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Chicago, Illinois, USA


Please contact us in order to start your own branch!


We are a student-led organization committed to embracing the beautiful cultures of the world through food. As simple as it may sound, food can be used as a portal to make new discoveries and bring our society together. We want to empower minorities to be proud of their food, and encourage others to support those cultures.

We are committed to helping our citizens become global citizens by increasing awareness and acceptance of different cultures. By spreading the word about how diversity improves our world, we are doing something small, but on a big scale.


Our mission is to increase the overall awareness and acceptance of different cultural groups in our community. We want to fight the plague of ignorance over our society. In doing so, we want to empower cultural minorities to be proud of their heritage through their food instead of assimilating culturally. 

We also want to provide a platform for GenZ teens to share their personal experiences with their culture.

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